About Anaesthesia Reports | Association of Anaesthetists

About Anaesthesia Reports

Anaesthesia Reports

Executive Editor: Yavor Metodiev

Anaesthesia Reports is an official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists, and publishes original, peer-reviewed articles, reviews, case reports, media content, and associated papers on all aspects of anaesthesia, peri-operative medicine,  intensive care and pain therapy. Read the guidelines on making a submission to Anaesthesia Reports

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Anaesthesia Reports Editors

There are eight Editors of Anaesthesia Reports, plus the Executive Editor and Trainee Fellows. The Executive Editor oversees the Journal, and reports to the Editor-in-Chief of Anaesthesia and the Editorial Board.

Association of Anaesthetists Editorial Board

The editorial board oversees the publication of Anaesthesia Reports, supports and advises the Editor-in-Chief and Executive Editor, acts as a liaison between the Association Board, the publishers and the journal, and recommends the appointment of Editors, Executive Editor and Editor-in-Chief to the Board of Directors.

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