Meet the Board and Council | Association of Anaesthetists

Meet the Association Board and Council

Officers of the Association of Anaesthetists


Dr Matthew Davies, President

Dr Matt Davies

Dr Tim Meek, Honorary Secretary, President Elect

Dr Emma Wain, Honorary Treasurer

Dr Matt Wiles, Editor-in-Chief, Anaesthesia 

Dr Victoria McCormack, Honorary Secretary Elect

Dr Robert Self, Immediate Past Honorary Membership Secretary

Dr Robert Self


Vice Presidents

Dr Ravi Gill

Ravi Gill

Dr Andy Klein

Elected Directors/Trustees

Dr Kenneth Barker


Dr Krish Radhakrishna

Dr Philip Barclay

Philip Barclay May 2022

Dr Craig Carroll


Dr Benjamin Fox

Ben Fox

Dr Rebecca Barker

Dr Tendai Ramhewa

Dr Andrzej Wlaszczyk

Dr Sarah Marsden, Trainee Committee Chair

Dr Ben Evans, Trainee Committee Honorary Secretary

Independent Trustees

Dr Stuart Burgess, Independent Specialist and Trustee

Stephen Mullarkey, Independent Trustee

Co-opted members of Council

Dr Manish Adke, Specialty Lead for Anaesthesia, BMA CC


Dr Aamer Ahmed, ESAIC Council UK representative


Dr Karl Brennan, Clinical Leaders in Anaesthesia Network representative

Dr Karl Brennan

Dr Fiona Donald, President, Royal College of Anaesthetists

Dr Fiona Donald

Paul Forsythe, Association of Anaesthesia Associates representative


Dr Andrea Harvey, Convenor, Scottish Standing Committee

Prof David Honan, Convenor, Irish Standing Committee

Dr Sarah Marsden, Trainee Committee Vice Chair

Dr Steve Mathieu, President, Intensive Care Society


Colonel James Ralph, Defence Anaesthesia Representative


Prof George Shorten, President, College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland
