Modern Slavery Act Statement
The Association of Anaesthetists is the professional membership body for anaesthetists in the UK and
Ireland, working to promote excellence in anaesthesia. The Association is committed to acquiring
goods and services without causing harm to others.
Given the size of our organisation, the Association is not under a legal obligation to produce a modern
slavery statement, but we have decided to do so to demonstrate and implement our commitment to
the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This statement is designed to inform our members, staff, volunteers and the public about the Association’s policy and actions with respect to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour and labour rights violations in its supply chains.
We recognise that there is scope for modern slavery to occur and we are committed to preventing modern slavery within our operations.
We consider that the areas of greatest risk are within our supply chain.
Supply chain risks
Our supply chains mainly fall under the categories listed below:
- Facilities management
- Event facilities and services
- Sponsors and exhibitors for events
- IT equipment and services
- Third party contractors
The Association has not, to its knowledge, conducted any business with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with modern slavery.
We recognise that one of the ways in which we mitigate the risk of modern slavery is through our own purchasing practices. We actively seek out suppliers who act in an ethical and transparent manner, pay fairly and promptly and give appropriate briefs and lead times.
We expect all those suppliers in our supply chain to comply with our values. If a supplier is alleged to be demonstrating unacceptable practices it will be investigated. This may include taking appropriate advice from relevant trade unions and/or labour rights groups. Where allegations are substantiated the welfare of workers will be a key consideration and as such our first step will be to provide suppliers with guidance on the required improvements. If no improvement is implemented within a reasonable period or suppliers indicate an unwillingness to address unacceptable practices, we will take steps which would ultimately result in the termination of our trading relationship. Suppliers may also be reported to the appropriate authorities.
We will reference the Modern Slavery Act in supplier contracts and in Invitation to Tender (ITT) documentation, so contracted suppliers must now sign up to abiding by the provisions of the Act.
New suppliers and existing suppliers granted contract extensions should demonstrate that they follow the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code. They must ensure that they take steps on the Association’s
Date: January 2025
Review date: January 2027
behalf to guard against modern slavery, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour and labour rights violations in this supply chain.
The Code requires that:
- Employment is freely chosen
- Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
- Working conditions are safe and hygienic
- Child labour shall not be used
- Living wages are paid
- Working hours are not excessive
- No discrimination is practiced
- Regular employment is provided and
- No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
Communicating this statement
We will communicate this statement on our website and to all staff, to ensure an understanding of the risk of modern slavery in our business and supply chains.
This statement has been approved and published on 2 January 2025.