Resident Doctors Committee | Association of Anaesthetists

Resident Doctors Committee

Resident Doctors Committee

The Resident Doctors Committee provides a focus for the interests of resident doctor members of the Association and to represent resident doctor' views at the Board of Directors and other Association Committees.

Through its work, the committee promotes training, the practice of anaesthesia, and communication among resident doctor anaesthetists. It works with the Education Committee and events team to plan the Resident Doctors Conference and contribute to resident anaesthetist specific elements of the Association educational programme.

In addition to their work representing the interests of resident doctors within the Association, committee members also represent the Association resident doctor members through external consultation with other medical organisations.

You can contact the Resident Doctors Committee on

Resident Doctors Committee members

 Dr Sarah Marsden, Chair  ST5  Yorkshire and the Humber School of Anaesthesia  @GaslingSarah  
 Dr Ben Evans, Honorary Secretary  ST4 Anaesthetics  North East of England  @criticalgassing  
 Dr James Brooks, Vice Chair  ST5  Severn Deanery  @jamesbrooks90  James Brooks
 Dr Kathryn Singh, Resident Network Link Officer  ST4 Imperial School of Anaesthesia, North West London  @AnaesthetistKat  kathryn singh
Dr Luke Flower
Central London School of Anaesthesia

Luke Flower

Dr Leyla Turkoglu
CT2 Core Anaesthetics Trainee
East of England deanery
 Dr Layla Turkoglu
Dr Allan Xu
London School of Anaesthesia

Allan Xu

Dr Claire-Marie Agius ST7 Northern School of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care @ClaireAmc22

Claire-Marie Agius

Dr Emily Gibney  ST6 Mersey School of Anaesthesia @dr_doddle

Emily Gibney

Dr Ashleah McCulloch CT3 West of Scotland School of Anaesthesia  

Ashleah McCulloch

Dr Brandon Tan Zhiming SAT 2 Ireland  @brandontanzm

Brandon Tan

Dr Joseph Pick ST6 University Hospitals of North Midlands

Dr Andreas Sotiriou  ST5, Anaesthetics  University Hospital Lewisham    

Co-opted members

Dr Stuart Edwardson Immediate Past Resident Doctors Committee Chair @scotgasdoc
Dr Stephen McAteer
British Medical Association Junior Doctor Committee

Major Amy Johnstone
Defence Anaesthesia representative

Dr Gary Rodgers
RCoA representative
Dr Gillian Rennie
SAS Committee representative
Dr Joanna Wong  Co-opted member