Evelyn Baker Recognition of Service Award | Association of Anaesthetists

Evelyn Baker Recognition of Service Award

Evelyn Baker Recognition of Service Award

The Evelyn Baker Award was established in 1998 by Dr Margaret Branthwaite in memory of one of her former patients at the Royal Brompton Hospital. This award is given to anaesthetists who exhibit exceptional competence across all aspects of anaesthetic practice, including clinical excellence, teaching and training, and colleague support. It honours the 'unsung heroes' within anaesthetic departments. 

Nominees are often described as the backbone of the department and the ‘go to’ person for clinical or other advice. Nominations should clearly outline how the candidate demonstrates the qualities that distinguish them from their peers from their defining characteristics shown below.

Clinical excellence:

  • Technical proficiency
  • Reliable clinical judgment and wisdom
  • Effective communication with patients, their families, and colleagues

Teaching and training:

  • Ability to train and inspire trainee colleagues
  • Communication skills extending beyond formal teaching or academic presentations

Supporting colleagues:

  • Providing valuable support to colleagues and co-workers

Nominees should normally still be in clinical practice at the time of their nomination and must be a current member of the Association. The award is unlikely to be given to someone in their first ten years as an anaesthetist, and the nominee should not be in possession of a National Clinical Impact Award.

Nominations must also include an indication that the nominee has broad support within their department. Additional comments from departmental and other colleagues.

Successful recipients will receive the Evelyn Baker Recognition of Service Medal and certificate.

Eligibility: Can be awarded to Association members (in clinical practice at time of nomination).

Nomination: By nomination from a current Association member.

Application questions: 

  1. How has the individual displayed the qualities of clinical excellence, teaching and training, and supporting colleagues which distinguish them from their peers, and what has been the impact of their contribution(s)? (max 1000 words) 

  2. What sets this nominee apart from all others, to make them worthy of the Evelyn Baker Recognition of Service Award? (max 500 words) 

  3. (optional) Please provide any supporting evidence to accompany your nomination


  • 2024: Dr William Garrett
  • 2023: Bruce Gibson | Atika Sabharwal
  • 2022: Kumar Panikkar
  • 2021: Robert (John) Burden | Christopher Rollason | Susan Nimmo
  • 2020: Muthyala Chetty
  • 2019: Kathryn Bell | Anthony John Rampton
  • 2018: Ian Appadurai
  • 2017: Michelle Soskin
  • 2016: Rob John
  • 2015: John Leigh | Virin Sidhu | Patricia Weir
  • 2014: Sally Millett
  • 2013: Amanda Blackburn | Mike Donaldson | Andrew Kilner | Chris Vallis
  • 2012: John Windsor
  • 2011: Keith Clayton
  • 2010: Sudheer Medakkar
  • 2009: Fred Roberts
  • 2008: Neville Robinson
  • 2007: Gareth Charlton
  • 2006: Martin Coates
  • 2005: Douglas Turner
  • 2004: Margo Lewis
  • 2003: Paul Monks
  • 2002: Mark Crosse
  • 2001: Brian Steer
  • 2000: Neil Schofield
  • 1999: Meena Choksi
  • 1998: John R Cole