Kathleen Ferguson Award for Inclusivity | Association of Anaesthetists

Kathleen Ferguson Award for Inclusivity

Kathleen Ferguson Award for Inclusivity

The Association of Anaesthetists value diversity and is committed to equity and inclusion in all aspects of our work. We are pround to announce two new awards to celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

"The Association’s inclusivity awards are a welcome initiative encouraging individuals and departments to share their successes in realising opportunity open to everyone – colleagues, patients and wider society. Inclusion goes beyond the limits of the legislated characteristics and to achieve full potential we need to open up, listen up, engage, support and facilitate." Dr Kathleen Ferguson, past president 2018 - 2020.

Group/departmental award

This award has been created to celebrate diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. The award is open to groups of anaesthetists (including anaesthetic departments) who have delivered an innovative initiative or solution to identify and tackle health inequalities for patients or the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. Nominees must provide details of demonstratable actions, initiatives or solutions which address a significant, sustained and embedded contribution to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Eligibility: Can be awarded to Association members and non-members, including anaesthetic departments
Nomination: By online nomination portal

Applications will be assessed using the questions provided against the score set.

Application questions

1. Describe how the anaesthetic team or anaesthetic department have helped tackle health inequalities for patients or the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace (max 300 words):
2. Describe how the project/activity/campaign/other work has had (and will continue to have) a perceived measurable beneficial effect on anaesthetic colleagues or the patients they serve, including the outcome and how it is/was measured (max 300 words):
3. Describe how the project/activity/campaign/other work will benefit anaesthetists and/or the departments they work in (max 300 words):
4. Provide details of how your project/activity/campaign/other work can have wider applicability (e.g. to other departments, units, Trusts) (max 300 words):
5. Provide evidence of a cultural shift and long-term change created by the project/activity/campaign/other work (max 300 words):
6. Describe the involvement of other key stakeholders in your project to gain optimum benefit across your Trust, and provide details of any educational activities that have been delivered to embed the work across the organisation (max 300 words):
7. Describe your plans for continuation of this project/activity/campaign/other work and how it will be sustained over time (max 300 words):

Individual award

This award has been created to celebrate an individual anaesthetist who has made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace which improves the culture and/or patient care.

Nominees must provide details of demonstratable actions, initiatives or solutions which address a significant, sustained, and embedded contribution to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Eligibility: Can be awarded to Association members
Nomination: By online nomination portal

Applications will be assessed using the questions provided against the score set.

Application questions

1. Describe how you or the individual has helped tackle health inequalities for patients or the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace (max 300 words):
2. Provide examples of how your or the individuals actions have directly helped anaesthetic colleagues or the patients they serve (300 words):
3. Describe how you or the individual has had (and will continue to have) a perceived measurable beneficial effect on inclusivity within the workplace (max 300 words):
4. Provide details of how your work or the work of the individual can have wider applicability (e.g. to other departments, units, Trusts) (max 300 words):
5. Describe your work, or the work the individual has undertaken with the involvement of other key stakeholders to gain optimum benefit and embed the work across their workplace (max 300 words):

Award winners


Dr Robert Fleming (individual award) I Dr Luke Flower (individual award)