Other resources you may find useful | Association of Anaesthetists

Other resources you may find useful

Other resources you may find useful:

We aim to place the most up-to-date material on this site. However, given the rapidly changing nature of the pandemic and its manifestations in the UK and in Ireland, it is important readers ensure they have access to the latest guidance and advice, in particular from governments and their agencies, the WHO, and, of course, local Trusts and Health Boards. We are unable endorse the recommendations in the external resources we have provided links to. 

Web resources:

CPOC FAQs for patients having an operation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Joint statement on consultant, consultant clinical academic and SAS doctor contracts during COVID-19

Position Statement on Risks of Health Care Workers contracting COVID-19 as part of their contact with patients

Deaths of NHS staff from COVID-19 analysed

Lifebox and partners from across Sub Saharan Africa published guidance on preparing the surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia ecosystem for COVID-19

WFSA guidance, including for Low Resource Settings

The Specialist Pharmacy Service have created dedicated COVID-19 pages on their website

BMA COVID-19 tracker survey

(During the Coronavirus crisis, the BMA will be tracking the experience and seeking the knowledge of doctors.)

Clinical guide for the perioperative care of people with fragility fractures during the Coronavirus pandemic

ESA: COVID-19 information

Public Health England publishes new guidance on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus - guidance for anaesthesia and perioperative care providers

The pressures intensive care units are under and how coronavirus may intensify this

Joint statement: Supporting doctors in the event of a Covid-19 epidemic in the UK

Looking after yourself…. and each other

Anaesthetic Recovery Room 

Publications and documents:

BMA: COVID-19 – ethical issues. A guidance note

BMA: COVID-19 – Frequently asked questions

COVID-19: a synthesis of clinical experience in UK intensive care settings

Keeping Home Safe; Advice for healthcare workers

Legal liabilities of clinicians as individuals during coronavirus pandemic

Use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) for COVID-19 positive patients

Clinical negligence indemnity in response to Coronavirus 

Wiley has made more than 5,000 COVID-19-related articles freely available

The UK COVID-19 epidemic: time to plan and time to act

Care for Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19

COVID-19 and Occupational Health (OH) in the NHS

Advice for Sustaining Staff Wellbeing in Critical Care During and Beyond COVID-19

National guidance on managing coronavirus infection in pregnancy published

NHSEI – 2020 001 COVID-19 oxygen supply ALERT

Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19: Demonstrating positive behaviours

Covid-19: Looking after your mental wellbeing - managing stress