Dr Alan McGlennan: COVID-19 pandemic | Association of Anaesthetists

Dr Alan McGlennan: COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Alan McGlennan: COVID-19 pandemic

Dr McGlennan is one of the Medical Directors in the Royal Free London Trust, he is the Medical Director for Chase Farm Hospital. During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr McGlennan was Medical Director for the Nightingale Hospital, London.

In this interview conducted by Dr Michael Ward, Dr McGlennan describes the initial discussion and scoping meetings, to the actual set up and running of the Nightingale Hospital, and reflects on its impact.

You can listen to the audio recording of the interview or download the full transcript.


The table below indicates points of particular interest within the interview.

Time code (roughly)  Point of interest 
 00:04:00 Description of the first Zoom meeting and discussions had with the North Central London sector.
 00:11:00 How the site for the Nightingale was chosen and the discussions had about functionality and practical delivery of care. 
 00:27:30 The discussions had around whether to keep the hospital open or whether to close it.  
 00:32:00 The day to day practicalities of working at the Nightingale. 
 00:36:42 The future of the hospital.
 00:40:00 Dr McGlennan responds to the question;

Was there anything particular that you did that you wish you'd done differently or you would change if it happened again?
 00:48:00 Dr McGlennan responds to the question;

Was there ever a plan to extend a similar facility in other parts of the country?
 00:54:00 Dr McGlennan responds to the question;

Do you believe that the Nightingale Hospital was a good resource?