Dr Tim Meek: COVID-19 pandemic | Association of Anaesthetists

Dr Tim Meek: COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Tim Meek: COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Meek is in his second term as Honorary Secretary of the Association of Anaesthetists after having been elected to the Board in 2014. He is a Consultant Anaesthetist in the James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough, where he worked during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this interview by Dr Michael Ward conducted in August 2020 Dr Tim Meek reflects on his experience of working as an anaesthetist during the pandemic as well as falling ill with it himself.

You can listen to the audio recording of the interview now.


The table below indicates points of particular interest within the interview.

Time code (roughly)  Point of interest 
 00:03:30 Dr Meek recalls his first encounter with Covid.
 00:06:00 Dr Meek talks about the Covid training day that was organised in March.
 00:10:35 Dr Meek describes his personal experience of having Covid.
 00:34:35 Dr Meek responds to the question:

Has the NHS handled the crisis well?
 00:37:50 Dr Meek responds to the question:

Are we ready for a second wave?