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Available on demand - all recordings can be booked separately


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Normal webinar recording prices:
Trainee Members - £23, Full Members - £29, Non Members - £62


Terms and Conditions

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We're looking for new seminar material, both lecture and workshop based.

About these recordings

The Association has put on a large number of excellent webinars in the last few years, and all are available to book as recordings.

How to book

In order to view the full list of bookable recordings available, please visit this page and then scroll to the bottom for the full list.

Things to note when you book

If booking on a phone you need to expand the Key Details section in order to accept the Terms and Conditions before you book.

The date quoted in the booking journey is a notional date, so please ignore the date and proceed with the booking, you will be able to access the recording as soon as you have booked it. Please look out for an automated email containing the link as soon as you have booked.

Please ignore questions about access and dietary requirements during the booking process. Please ensure the email we have for you is correct so that you receive the recording links.

You can log in from the comfort of your own home, your office, or any where else that is convenient.  All you need is a decent internet connection and a quiet room.

A selection of popular webinars available to book as recordings include:

Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Blocks, what you need to know
Penicillin allergy de-labelling: a toolkit for anaesthetists
Progressing your career as a SAS Anaesthetist - Becoming a Specialist
I'm only an Anaesthetist, what has climate change got to do with me?
FRCA - the path to success 2023
Non-Operating Room Anaesthesia – Creating a safe environment
Safe Sedation for Surgical Procedures
Perioperative care - ensuring safe patient journeys through surgery
Women in Anaesthesia: 38% and growing
Regional Anaesthesia: Back to the Basics
NHS Pensions Update
Rethinking postoperative pain management
Focused Transthoracic Echocardiography for Anaesthetists
The three pillars of patient blood management
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) for all
Optimizing Perioperative Care with non-invasive technologies including virtual ward
Sustainability in Paediatric Anaesthesia. Where are we going in 2023?
Hip Fracture
Managing Anaemia in the Peri-operative Period - practical tips for treating iron-deficiency anaemia in surgical patients
Bleeding, clotting and haemorrhage - an update
Sustainability in Anaesthesia and Peri-operative Medicine
Monitoring everyone’s brain under GA: the time has come!
Regional Anaesthesia - New blocks old blocks: Friend or foe?