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This webinar is designed for clinicians who are relatively inexperienced in the delivery of total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) but would like to incorporate this into their clinical practice. To this end, the webinar will consist of four presentations from experts in TIVA that aim to cover some of the most controversial aspects of intravenous anaesthesia, including some of the most common myths and misconceptions regarding its use. The talks will include the advantages of TIVA over inhalational anaesthesia, how to use and select the optimal pharmacological models, the use of TIVA in older patients and the obese, and the role of processed EEG. The concepts will be illustrated using clinical examples and there will be a focus on the clinical aspects of TIVA with some “top tips” from clinicians with a wealth of clinical experience.
Organisers: Prof Andrew Klein, Cambridge and Dr Matt Wiles, Sheffield
Chair: Dr Matt Wiles, Sheffield
Programme - This is now the final version with one change from the recent e-shot
No advantage over inhalational anaesthesia? - May KM Leung, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Hong Kong.
It’s complicated and expensive (basic PK/PD & models) - Michael G Irwin, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Hong Kong and Editor, Anaesthesia.
It’s difficult to use in children - Vivian Yuen, Consultant Anaesthetist, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital and Honorary Assistant Clinical Professor at Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Hong Kong.
Do you have to use pEEG? - Eric Chung, Associate Consultant, Department of Anaesthesiology, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
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