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About this webinar
Bleeding clotting and haemorrhage – an update15 years, still bleeding…16th anniversary meeting - Unique seminar relevant to all clinicians! All you need to know about anaemia, coagulopathy and major haemorrhage management.Join us for this very popular seminar. Last year we celebrated our 15th anniversary two day seminar with great success. Over the years this seminar has made significant strides in bringing anaesthetists to the fore front of anaemia and haemorrhage management. Due to the on-going pandemic our 16th anniversary will be a one day virtual webinar which, for this year only, will be free for all to attend. This year's focus is on patient blood management, peri-operative anaemia management, new developments in monitoring coagulopathy and specific haemorrhage management. There will be specific focus on current research including COVID-19 and blood. The speakers are well known across the world and are involved in day to day management of anaemia and haemorrhage. Come and join us for this exceptional educational day.
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Organiser and chair: Dr Ravishankar Rao Baikady, The Royal Marsden, London
• Anaemia management in surgey - PREVENTT results and what next? Prof Toby Richards, Perth, Australia
Patient Blood Management (PBM) in surgery and education - an Australian experience Assoc. Prof. Bernd Froessler, Adelaide, Australia
• COVID-19, thrombosis and antithrombotics Prof Beverley Hunt, St Thomas' Hospital, London
• Strategies for blood management in major surgery Prof Aryeh Shander, New York, USA
Coagulopathy and haemostasis in major haemorrhage - an update Prof Michael Laffan, Imperial College, London
• Management of major haemorrhage in trauma - an update Dr April Grant, Atlanta, USA