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About this webinar

This webinar is being put on in association with APAGBI.

Essential paediatric CPD for members of the Association of Anaesthetists and APAGBI. Please join us for this exciting webinar to learn about and discuss the important topic of sustainability.
3 renowned speakers of differing specialties will be talking about where we are with climate change (along with the latest concerning data), and how surgery and anaesthesia can make a difference.
We will hear about the immediacy and gravity of the threat we face, and just how much we now have to do and by when. We will hear about how to reduce energy use in theatre, including the application of circular economy principles to products used within operating theatres; as well as the latest evidence on reducing our emissions from anaesthesia and the benefits of preoperative administration of oral analgesics over intravenous. 

Organisers: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Association Webinar Lead and Dr Judith Nolan
Chairs: Dr Judith Nolan, Chair Education and Training Committee APAGBI
and Dr Divya Raviraj

Where are we with climate change? - Hugh Montgomery OBE (Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London)
Latest evidence on gas inductions vs IV and TIVA, the benefits of PO preoperative medications and how to reduce energy use in theatre  - Dr Jonathan Groome  (London)
Overview of environmental impact of surgery, followed by evidence- based approach to applying circular economy principles to products used within operating theatre - Dr Chantelle Rizan  (Clinical Lecturer in Sustainable Healthcare, Brighton & Sussex Medical School)

Round table discussion, speakers, chaired by Judith Nolan and Dr Divya Raviraj