SAS Educational Grant | Association of Anaesthetists

SAS Educational Grant

Educational grant for SAS doctors

The Association of Anaesthetists (the Association) is offering a grant to all SAS/NCHD doctors for further education or professional development. The grant is aimed at enhancing SAS doctors’ education or professional development opportunities through attending conferences/CPD courses (restrictions may apply, see application criteria), workshops, mentoring training or any other educational opportunities that align with their career goals and enhance their clinical practice.

Up to £2,000 is available and may be granted to multiple applicants, or, in exceptional circumstances, the grant may be awarded in full to a single applicant.

Deadline for submission was 23:59 on Wednesday 29 January 2025

Applicant criteria and terms and conditions

  1. Applicants must be current SAS/NCHD members of the Association
  2. Applicants must submit their application ahead of the submission deadline. Late or retrospective applications will not be accepted
  3. Applicants must demonstrate how this grant will enhance their clinical practice and outline their plan on how they will share their knowledge gained with their department and wider specialty. The educational activity should be highly relevant to the applicant’s current role and future anaesthetic career aspirations
  4. The grant must not fund routine CPD activities which should be funded through normal study leave budgets, nor examination fees, exam preparation courses or college related fees
  5. Successful applicants will be required to submit an article on their funded activity for potential publication in Anaesthesia News
  6. Successful applicants may be invited to present their work during an Association conference

Application questions

  1. Please provide details on how this proposed educational activity is relevant to your current role and future career aspirations. (max 300 words)
  2. Please provide details of the objectives of the activity, address any challenges and explain how this will positively impact on your practice. (max 300 words)
  3. Please provide details how this activity will impact on your professional development. (max 300 words)
  4. Please provide details on how you will share the knowledge gained during this activity with your colleagues and wider specialty. (max 300 words)
  5. Please provide a funding breakdown for your request

Applications will be blind-reviewed by members of the SAS Committee against the scoring matrix.

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