Clinical management in anaesthesia | Association of Anaesthetists

Clinical management in anaesthesia

Please note that these guidelines were archived on 15 December 2023


The NHS is the fourth largest employer in the world and spent more than £100 billion in 2009. The system is hugely complex and needs expert management from political level to patient care to ensure healthcare is prioritised appropriately, the funds are used well, and that care is delivered safely. All doctors are managers of some description, in organisational, supporting or training roles, as well as running their clinical service. Anaesthetists make up 15% of the consultant workforce, work with a wide range of services and are ideally placed to contribute to running services. These guidelines provide recommendations for clinical management within the consultant role, and include: 

  • Information on NHS and hospital structures 
  • Leadership roles in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain services 
  • Managing people 
  • Training in management 
  • Clinical management and the law 
  • Defence medical services