Trainee Wellbeing Initiative Award 2023 | Association of Anaesthetists

Trainee Wellbeing Initiative Award 2023

Trainee Wellbeing Initiative Award

The Trainee Wellbeing Initiative Award was set up in 2019 to celebrate excellence in trainee led projects that have and will continue to improve the wellbeing of anaesthetic colleagues in a region or local area in Great Britain and Ireland. 

The Award is open to Trainee members of the Association of Anaesthetists as individual trainees, or groups which include trainees, who have developed an initiative to improve the welfare of their anaesthetic colleagues in their region or local area, within Great Britain and/or Ireland. Applicants must demonstrate how their activity, project, campaign or other work (including original research) has had, and will continue to have a measurable beneficial effect on the wellbeing of anaesthetists. Trainee members are free to nominate colleagues or to self-nominate. 

Applications should include details of any educational activities that have been carried out as part of the project, and how other key stakeholders have or will be involved to gain optimum benefit from the initiative. 

Successful trainees will be invited to display their work as a physical poster at the Trainee Conference in July 2023. The winning trainee project lead will be invited to present their work during the conference. A cash prize or prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the judging panel. Selected case studies may be published on the Association website. 

The deadline for applications was 23:59 on Wednesday 29 March 2023. 

Applications will be assessed using the judging criteria against the questions below.

  1. Describe the aims of the project/activity/campaign/other work (max 300 words): 
  2. Describe how the project/activity/campaign/other work has had (and will continue to have) a perceived measurable beneficial effect on the wellbeing of anaesthetists in Great Britain and/or Ireland, including the outcome and how it is/was measured. Please provide details of the initial measurements and re-measurements where applicable (max 300 words):
  3. Please describe how this project/activity/campaign will benefit anaesthetists (max 300 words):
  4. Is this project/activity/campaign led by trainees? Please detail their involvement (max 300 words): 
  5. Provide details of how your idea can have wider applicability (e.g. to other departments, units, Trusts) (max 300 words): 
  6. Describe the involvement of other key stakeholders in your project to gain optimum benefit across the organisation, and provide details of any educational activities that have been delivered to support the project (max 300 words):
  7. Describe your plans for continuation of this project/activity/campaign/other work and how it will be sustained over time. (max 300 words):

Trainee Wellbeing Initiative Award 2022: Top 3 applications

Trainee Wellbeing Initiative Award 2021: Top 3 applications