Sustainability, health and politics: what can you do?
Many of you are fantastic clinicians,
educators, academics, or quality
improvement and patient safety
advocates. Perhaps you never
fitted neatly into any of those
descriptions, but amongst the vast
range of interests within medicine
most of us find a home. In 2018 one
of us (FB) became curious about the
field of sustainable healthcare, a
subject that aligned professional
with personal ones. Increasing
knowledge gave empowerment
to focus attention on sustainability
issues within healthcare but
recognition that to affect the status
quo at management level, more
political drive would be required.
What can you do?
Fascinating research has been undertaken by
political scientists into how to make the participation
of ordinary people possible, probable and powerful
[1]. Action can happen when motivation and authority
align. Start by paying attention to the political, social
and environmental context in which you are living and
working. There are a plethora of resources available about
planetary health [2], sustainable healthcare, sustainability in
quality improvement (susQI) [3], and carbon literacy. The great
news is that many of these topics overlap, so it takes just a
little curiosity to translate knowledge into practice. Knowledge
empowers and enables individuals and teams to enact
transformational change within the clinical or political sphere.
Find strength in numbers; recognise that sustainable
healthcare needs dedicated time and resources. In
2019, FB met Dan Morris, a local ophthalmologist, who
had been working to reduce the carbon footprint
of cataract surgery since 2012. They wrote a proposal
and secured funding for a Sustainable Healthcare
Leadership Fellow, utilising Health Education Improvement
Wales leadership programme. This was ‘clearing stones’ so
that others can lead the way. AF-W was the first fellow in 2020,
SH the current incumbent. They have worked on reform of the
undergraduate curriculum, health board sustainability action
planning, the Nitrous Oxide Project, and susQI education.
Make friends
Tom Downs, in his Foundation years, undertook a Bevan
Commission Exemplar project, harnessing the Well-being
of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015 [4] to explore the
connections required to create a sustainable hospital,
resulting in the inspiring Ysbyty Gwynedd Green Group.
Learn about the structure of the system in which you work
to uncover how to align authority with motivation. Reach out
to senior leaders to discuss pressing issues relevant to your
healthcare setting.
Raise awareness of the climate
and health crisis amongst those
around you.
Embrace the opportunity to talk on the subject and
encourage curiosity and interest. For example, FB and
team presented at public health sessions, engaging health
board executives and established the Welsh Environmental
Anaesthesia Network (WEAN).
Advertise your successes. In 2019, a senior figure on a hospital
visit spotted a curious poster describing WEAN’s Project
Drawdown: our volatile agent reduction initiative. The
environmental impact of healthcare was new to him. He and
FB now sit on the same NHS Wales Decarbonisation
Programme Board.
In 2021 NHS Wales published its strategic decarbonisation
plan [5]. The net zero NHS Policies and our Future Generation
Act were helping to align authority with our own personal
motivation. With support from the Centre for Sustainable
Healthcare, the Bevan Commission, and fledgling green
groups, we launched Green Health Wales, a network for
sustainable healthcare in Wales with three aims: ’Learn,
Connect, Transform’, aiming to break down traditional silos
within the healthcare sector to develop collective action
through distributed networks underpinned by compassionate
leadership [6].
Every anaesthetist has authority and support from
their organisations (Association of Anaesthetists and
RCoA) who have published sustainability strategies, the
NHS decarbonisation policy, and COP26. Seize the moment,
create opportunities, and follow every connection that
comes your way.
Fiona Brennan
Consultant Anaesthetist
Cardiff & Vale UHB
Amarantha Fennell-Wells
Welsh Clinical Leadership Trainee Fellow in Sustainable
Healthcare 2020-21
Chief Fellow at the Office of the Chief Dental Officer, England
Stacey Harris
Welsh Clinical Leadership Trainee Fellow in Sustainable
ST5 Paediatrics, Cardiff & Vale UHB
Twitter: @brennan_fiona; @DrStaceyHarris; @amaranthafw
- The P3 Lab at Johns Hopkins. Welcome, 2021. (accessed 01/12/2021).
- Planetary Health Alliance. Home, 2021. (accessed 01/12/2021).
- Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. Home, 2021. (accessed 01/12/2021).
- Welsh Government. The well-being of future generations,
(accessed 01/12/2021).
- Welsh Government. NHS Wales decarbonisation
strategic delivery plan, 2021. (accessed
- West MA. Compassionate leadership: sustaining wisdom,
humanity and presence in health and social care. London:
Swirling Leaf Press, 2021.
The Association of Anaesthetists recognise that our actions have an impact on the environment, and we see sustainability and
climate change as key strategic issues.
Find out more about what we do, and get advice and information on green anaesthesia.