New NHS Blood and Transplant amber alert for O type blood | Association of Anaesthetists

New NHS Blood and Transplant amber alert for O type blood

New NHS Blood and Transplant amber alert for O type blood issued

26 July 2024

A new amber alert on O-negative blood has been issued by NHS Blood and Transplant, to protect blood stocks and minimise the need for the transfusion of donor blood.

The Association encourages all members to read the full NHS Blood and Transplant amber alert and follow the recommended steps.

Steps for anaesthetists and theatre teams

  • Consider tranexamic acid in all patients having major surgery.
  • Administer if risk of perioperative blood loss likely to be >500ml.
  • Where possible and required, transfuse one unit only before reassessing. 

Steps for preoperative assessment teams and perioperative physicians

  • Identify patients who are at risk of anaemia as early as possible in preoperative elective pathways. Treat anaemia with iron, B12 and/or Folate as required. 

For further information, members can view a recent open access BMJ article about the use of tranexamic acid to reduce blood loss.

The Association encourages all members to read the following guidelines; 'Cell salvage for peri-operative blood conservation 2018', and 'The use of blood components and their alternatives', following this amber alert. 

Please share this news with your colleagues, especially those in your perioperative, surgical and anaesthetic departments.