Early booking rates available to members until 6 August 2025 - reserve your place today!
What is Annual Congress
The Association is the UK’s leading provider of postgraduate education for all pathways into Anaesthesia. The Association’s conferences features leading experts in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine presenting the latest information and thinking on a variety of key anaesthesia topics. Annual Congress is the leading educational conference for anaesthetists and other healthcare professionals. With over 30+ hours of CPD on offer over 3 days, through expert talks, interactive case discussions and debates on important topicsm Annual Congress is the one stop shop for all your CPD needs.
Intended audience
Aimed at all levels of anaesthetists. Consultant anaesthetists, Resident Doctor anaesthetists (ST3+), SAS/NCHD/LED anaesthetists and medical students.
Learning objectives
Each talk will have learning objectives which are shared at the time of the conference.
Sponsors and exhibitors
There is an extensions industry exhibitions with over 40 companies in attendance. There are also in exhibition learning zones. These include lecture theatres and demo zones and are complimentary sessions during breaks that provide even more CPD for delegates.
Programme topics and conference highlights
Coming very soon with some exciting keynote speakers, but you can expect:
- Four learning streams with over 30+ hours of CPD content
- Practical workshops and onstage demos
- Dedicated learning stream on core scientific knowledge
- Interactive ePosters
- Quiet and wellbeing zones - to include spaces for neurodivergent delegates
- All refreshments included
- Complimentary drinks reception