The Association of Anaesthetists and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund | Association of Anaesthetists

The Association of Anaesthetists and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

The Association of Anaesthetists and the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

Founded in 1836, the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF) is the leading UK charity for doctors, medical students and their families.

With over 12,000 anaesthetists registered in the UK, it is highly likely that there are many more individuals who could benefit from their help. This is also indicated through high volumes of users accessing support pages online. 

A partnership between the Association and the RMBF has great potential to enhance the provision of wellbeing support for anaesthetists; tackle the stigma surrounding mental health issues within the profession; and, raise awareness of support that is available to doctors facing crisis and difficulty.

Partnership Objectives

A partnership between the RMBF and the Association would be the first of its kind and an opportunity to break new ground. By pooling collective expertise, the Association and the RMBF are able to ensure greater provision of help for anaesthetists in the following areas:

  • Tailored Association-RMBF services, toolkits and resources, including signposting of wider wellbeing and mental health services
  • Promotion of the RMBF’s support for anaesthetists and other medical professionals struggling with financial hardship as a result of illness, injury, disability, age and bereavement
  • Break down the stigma affecting doctors seeking support for stress, anxiety, burnout and other mental health issues.

Vital Signs in Anaesthesia

One initial project, which has already been completed, is the creation of Vital Signs in Anaesthesia: A guide for anaesthetists seeking help and advice during the COVID crisis. This guideline spotlights the particular pressures faced by members of the medical profession working within a pandemic. Vital Signs in Anaesthesia identifies key stressors and pressure points, whilst also providing practical advice and signposting support and resources for those experiencing stress and difficulty.

Download Vital Signs in Anaesthesia

We're recruiting for a new team of RMBF-Association volunteers

RBMF-Association volunteers fulfil an important voluntary role with the RMBF utilising their own networks and locally organised events to raise awareness of the support that the charity can offer to medical students and doctors at all stages in their careers.

The recruitment of a new team of RBMF-Association volunteers across different regions and representing different career stages (medical students, trainees, SAS, consultants and retired) would ensure greater awareness of the support that is available to GB & Ireland’s anaesthetists via the Association and the RMBF. As active members from within the Association’s network, these specialist volunteers would play an essential role in pinpointing effective channels to connect with colleagues and highlight the types of pressures more commonly faced within the specialty.

RBMF-Association volunteers would help:

  • Signpost wellbeing and support initiatives available via our partnership
  • Increase geographical reach and awareness amongst anaesthetists throughout GB & Ireland
  • Feedback on the relevance and effectiveness of services, toolkits and resources
  • Encourage fellow anaesthetists to seek support when needed

Our aim is to select and recruit and train an initial cohort of 10 Association members as to act as an Advisory Board and help inform wider roll out of the RBMF-Association volunteer programme. The group would ideally be comprised of individuals at different stages in their careers (medical students, trainees, SAS, consultants and retired) and from different regions.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kate Bresler-Jones on 0203 255 3003 or email

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