All workshops will be provided free to those booked to attend the conference in person. Workshops will not be available to those delegates attending virtually. Booking is not required, however there are limited numbers for each workshop. Access to the workshops will be on a first come first serve basis until the capacity is reached.
Please fill in the survey monkey to register your interest in which workshops you may want to attend to help us ensure adequate capacities. If you have any questions please email [email protected].
Thursday 8 July
An interactive workshop covering difficult obstetric cases, the use of ultrasound in regional anaesthesia in obstetrics and what an obstetrician wants you to know about obstetrics.
Difficult Airways
You are able to view the DAS Guidelines here
Difficult Airways
You are able to view the DAS Guidelines here
How to become a mentor
09:00-17:30 |
Mentoring drop-in sessions - Melissa Bus
Please visit the Melissa Bus for a drop-in session with a mentor. The bus will be parked just outside the venue in bays 21-28 (TV Village car park).
For more information about the Melissa Bus, please see here. |
Friday 9 July
Depth of Anaesthesia Monitoring/Pain Monitorning (supported by Medtronic)
Neonatal Stabilisation in a DGH
ST3 interview
Introduction to SusQI (Sustainable quality improvement)
An introduction on what sustainable quality improvement is with a worked example of how to incorporate this methodology into your routine practice. Shifting the focus of quality improvement away from traditional metrics and widening the lens to incorporate assessment of all aspects of the triple bottom line to ensure that we are truly adding (and measuring) value of the healthcare that we provide.
09:00-17:30 |
Mentoring drop-in sessions - Melissa Bus
Please visit the Melissa Bus for a drop-in session with a mentor. The bus will be parked just outside the venue in bays 21-28 (TV Village car park).
For more information about the Melissa Bus, please see here. |