Scientific programme Resident Doctors Conference 2025 | Association of Anaesthetists

Scientific programme

Scientific programme

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Day 1 - Thursday 27 June

08:15 - 09:00

Registration and industry exhibition opens / Tea & Coffee 

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome and introduction
Dr Sarah Marsden, Chair, Resident Doctors Committee

09:05 - 10:20

Session T1: Liver Transplants

(09:05 - 09:25) Pre-habilitation and suitability for liver transplant
Dr Emily Bonner, Newcastle

(09:25 - 09:45) Intra-operative management of OLTx

(09:45 - 10:05) Orthotopic Liver Transplants: The patient journey
Dr Clare Melikian, London

(10:05 - 10:20) Q&A panel discussion

10:20 - 10:50

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition 
Poster viewing 

10:30 - 12:00

Poster facilitation and judging session

10:50 - 12:05

Session T2: Regional Anaesthesia

(10:50 - 11:10) Paediatric Regional Anaesthesia
Dr Annabel Pearson

(11:10 - 11:30) TBC
Dr Jenny Ferry, Newport

(11:30 - 11:50)TBC

(11:50 - 12:05) Q&A panel discussion

12:10 - 12:50

Experiences of an Anaesthetist working in Gaza
Dr Matthew Newport, Consultant in anaesthesia and pre-hospital emergency medicine

12:50 - 13:50

Lunch and industry exhibition
Poster viewing

13:50 - 15:20

Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations and Oral Case Presentations

Free papers: Oral presentations (top 3)

Free papers: Oral case presentations (top 3)

Resident Doctors Committee oral presentation prize presentations (top 3)

Winner of the Thomas Boulton Anaesthesia History prize presentation

15:25 - 16:35

Session T3: Incivility in Theatre

(15:25 - 15:45) Incivility in Theatre
Dr Emily Langford

(15:45 - 16:05) TBC

(16:05 - 16:35) TBC

(16:25 - 16:40) Q&A panel discussion 

16:40 - 17:10

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition 
Poster viewing 

16:40 - 18:10

Poster facilitation and judging session

17:10 - 18:20

Session T4: Extreme Physiology

(17:10 - 17:25) Dive Physiology
Dr Oliver Firth, Diving and Hyperbaric Physician and Medical Director of London and Midlands Diving Chambers.

(17:25 - 17:40) Space Medicine
Prof Thais Russomano, Chief Medical Officer, International Space Medicine Consortium Inc

(17:40 - 17:55) TBC

(17:55 - 18:10) TBC

(18:10 - 18:20) Q&A panel discussion 

18:15 - 20:00

Complimentary Resident Social 

08:15 - 09:00

Registration and industry exhibition opens / Tea & Coffee 

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome and introduction
Dr Sarah Marsden, Chair, Resident Doctors Committee

09:05 - 10:20

Session T1: Liver Transplants

(09:05 - 09:25) Pre-habilitation and suitability for liver transplant
Dr Emily Bonner, Newcastle

(09:25 - 09:45) Intra-operative management of OLTx

(09:45 - 10:05) Orthotopic Liver Transplants: The patient journey
Dr Clare Melikian, London

(10:05 - 10:20) Q&A panel discussion

10:20 - 10:50

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition 
Poster viewing 

10:30 - 12:00

Poster facilitation and judging session

10:50 - 12:05

Session T2: Regional Anaesthesia

(10:50 - 11:10) Paediatric Regional Anaesthesia
Dr Annabel Pearson

(11:10 - 11:30) TBC
Dr Jenny Ferry, Newport

(11:30 - 11:50)TBC

(11:50 - 12:05) Q&A panel discussion

12:10 - 12:50

Experiences of an Anaesthetist working in Gaza
Dr Matthew Newport, Consultant in anaesthesia and pre-hospital emergency medicine

12:50 - 13:50

Lunch and industry exhibition
Poster viewing

13:50 - 15:20

Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations and Oral Case Presentations

Free papers: Oral presentations (top 3)

Free papers: Oral case presentations (top 3)

Resident Doctors Committee oral presentation prize presentations (top 3)

Winner of the Thomas Boulton Anaesthesia History prize presentation

15:25 - 16:35

Session T3: Incivility in Theatre

(15:25 - 15:45) Incivility in Theatre
Dr Emily Langford

(15:45 - 16:05) TBC

(16:05 - 16:35) TBC

(16:25 - 16:40) Q&A panel discussion 

16:40 - 17:10

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition 
Poster viewing 

16:40 - 18:10

Poster facilitation and judging session

17:10 - 18:20

Session T4: Extreme Physiology

(17:10 - 17:25) Dive Physiology
Dr Oliver Firth, Diving and Hyperbaric Physician and Medical Director of London and Midlands Diving Chambers.

(17:25 - 17:40) Space Medicine
Prof Thais Russomano, Chief Medical Officer, International Space Medicine Consortium Inc

(17:40 - 17:55) TBC

(17:55 - 18:10) TBC

(18:10 - 18:20) Q&A panel discussion 

18:15 - 20:00

Complimentary Resident Social 

Day 2 - Friday 28 June

08:30 - 09:00

Registration and industry exhibition / tea & coffee
Poster viewing 

09:00 - 10:15

Session F1: Pain

(09:00 - 09:20) How to maximise multi-modal analgesia
Dr Helen Laycock, Editor, Anaesthesia

(09:20 - 09:40) Opioid Sterwardship
Dr Nicholas Levy, Consultant Anaesthetist and Peri-operative medicine, West Suffolk Hospital

(09:40 - 10:00)  A patient's experience of post operative opioid dependency 
Dr Julian Stone

(10:00 - 10:15) Q&A panel discussion 

10:20 - 11:00

Title and speaker coming soon

11:00 - 11:30

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition
Poster viewing

11:30 - 12:30

Session F2: Global Anaesthesia by GASOC


12:30 - 13:40

Lunch and industry exhibition 

13:40 - 14:20

Chair: Dr Sarah Marsden, Chair, Resident Doctors Committee, Association of Anaesthetists

(13:40 - 13:55) Prize giving ceremony

(13:55 - 14:20) Resident update; The Association and what we do for you

14:25 - 15:40

Session F3: Trauma

(14:25 - 14:45) Experiences of a Trauma Anaesthetist
Dr Kate Prior, Surgeon Captain, Royal Navy and Consultant in Anaesthetics and Major Trauma, Kings College Hospital

(14:45 - 15:05) Latest Developments in Trauma Research
Dr Elaine Cole

(15:05 - 15:25) Trauma and Mental Health
Dr Anthony Allnatt

(15:25 - 15:40)
Q&A panel discussion 

15:40 - 16:05

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition 
Poster viewing 

16:05 - 17:05

Session F4: TBC


17:05 - 17:10

Closing remarks - Dr Sarah Marsden, Immediate Past Chair, Resident Doctors Committee, Association of Anaesthetists

08:30 - 09:00

Registration and industry exhibition / tea & coffee
Poster viewing 

09:00 - 10:15

Session F1: Pain

(09:00 - 09:20) How to maximise multi-modal analgesia
Dr Helen Laycock, Editor, Anaesthesia

(09:20 - 09:40) Opioid Sterwardship
Dr Nicholas Levy, Consultant Anaesthetist and Peri-operative medicine, West Suffolk Hospital

(09:40 - 10:00)  A patient's experience of post operative opioid dependency 
Dr Julian Stone

(10:00 - 10:15) Q&A panel discussion 

10:20 - 11:00

Title and speaker coming soon

11:00 - 11:30

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition
Poster viewing

11:30 - 12:30

Session F2: Global Anaesthesia by GASOC


12:30 - 13:40

Lunch and industry exhibition 

13:40 - 14:20

Chair: Dr Sarah Marsden, Chair, Resident Doctors Committee, Association of Anaesthetists

(13:40 - 13:55) Prize giving ceremony

(13:55 - 14:20) Resident update; The Association and what we do for you

14:25 - 15:40

Session F3: Trauma

(14:25 - 14:45) Experiences of a Trauma Anaesthetist
Dr Kate Prior, Surgeon Captain, Royal Navy and Consultant in Anaesthetics and Major Trauma, Kings College Hospital

(14:45 - 15:05) Latest Developments in Trauma Research
Dr Elaine Cole

(15:05 - 15:25) Trauma and Mental Health
Dr Anthony Allnatt

(15:25 - 15:40)
Q&A panel discussion 

15:40 - 16:05

Tea / coffee and industry exhibition 
Poster viewing 

16:05 - 17:05

Session F4: TBC


17:05 - 17:10

Closing remarks - Dr Sarah Marsden, Immediate Past Chair, Resident Doctors Committee, Association of Anaesthetists