Be Inspired - Sally El-Ghazali | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Sally El-Ghazali

Be Inspired - Sally El-Ghazali

Describe your role

Past Trainee Committee Chair Association of Anaesthetists, (soon to be) Anaesthetics/Intensive Care Medicine Consultant.

How did you get there?

I fell into anaesthetics and intensive care by accident! I was lucky to have had a FY1 job in anaesthesia/intensive care, absolutely loved it and have not looked back since! I started my core anaesthetics training in the Northern deanery before returning to London for an anaesthetics ST3 job. During my registrar training, I decided to apply for intensive care medicine. So 10.5 years since graduating medical school, 22 rotations, 17 hospitals and 2 postgraduate exams later, I finally completed my training! Since then, I completed a 1 year post CCT fellowship and due to start a consultant post in anaesthesia and intensive care in London North West Hospital Trust in April 2022 (ARGHHHH....scary stuff!).

What is your greatest achievement?

My biggest achievement is being an elected member of the Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee. I was particularly proud to have taken on the role of chair of the Trainee Committee and being involved with and help promote so many great wellbeing and advocacy campaigns on behalf of anaesthetic trainees nationally.



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What inspires you?

What inspires me is that feeling of self-pride once I have achieved something. Seeing the final product and the difference my work can make to others motivates me further. There are so many inspiring individuals and great projects out there and this encourages me to accomplish more.

What advice would you give to those who wish to follow your path?

Remember to be kind to yourself! Occasionally, times get tough and there are factors and barriers out of your control. However, in these circumstances all you can do is your best. It’s important to recognise when you may be feeling overwhelmed – there’s always support to help you through tough times.

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