Be Inspired - Roopa McCrossan | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Roopa McCrossan



Be Inspired - Roopa McCrossan

Describe your role

Immediate Past Chair Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee, member of the Joint Fatigue Working Group, previous LTFT lead for the Association of Anaesthetists.

How did you get there?

I met a couple of people on the then GAT committee at a Mentoring course and ended up chatting to them about it. I found it inspiring to be around people who didn’t just talk about change, but were in a position to actually get things done. I didn’t apply straight away, it took me another year or so to build up the courage! Much to my surprise I got elected and have loved working for the Trainee Committee ever since. It’s an amazing and really special committee, and I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to lead them forward.





What is your greatest achievement?

I think a real highlight has been working on the Fight Fatigue Campaign, it is fantastic to see change on the ground where people work, rest areas are springing up and people’s attitudes to fatigue are changing. This should help keep everyone, staff and patients, safer overnight.

What inspires you?

One of the greatest things that inspires me is being around other enthusiastic, motivated people who want to change things too. I find nature inspiring too, I live by the beach and the beautiful big skies and ever changing sea scape is stunning.

What advice would you give to those who wish to follow your path?

Don’t think you aren’t good enough – you are and you can do it.

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