How did you get there?
I’ve always been interested in our wellbeing. As Associate Dean for LTFT training I came across mentoring and found it a brilliant way of helping people achieve what they want to. Then as Specialty Dean Director, managing 56 specialties I learned lots more about leadership and education. I then changed direction and joined the Association, where I established mentoring, and looked at other aspects of wellbeing and workforce. I realised we needed to do something about the impact of fatigue on staff wellbeing and patient safety.
What is your greatest achievement?
Starting to change the culture to one which cares for employees and demonstrates in its every action that ‘our staff are our greatest asset’. I can’t pick out one stand-out achievement. For me, the achievement is seeing our culture change over time. When I went to medical school there was a quota for women, and our work in the 80s and 90s means that both men and women can now get a good work-life balance and the glass ceiling has gone. Mentoring is creating a kinder and much more effective culture, and the work on recognising and managing work-related fatigue is helping us move away from a weak ‘macho-style’ culture to a kinder ‘put people first’ approach. When management realise ‘look after the people and the place will take care of itself’, we might have arrived.
What inspires you?
I’m inspired by people who don’t seek glory, but are really influential in the background, who always demonstrate their core values, and who have time for everyone. Kindness from others, and being appreciated are really important to me, and seeing results that improve our experience of working and our patients’ experience of healthcare.
What advice would you give to those who wish to follow your path?
Each person should follow their own path – don’t mimic someone else. Know, stick to and demonstrate your own core values. Take opportunities even if they seem daunting. Work with good people rather than those looking for personal glory. Appreciate your colleagues and find a team of people who give mutual support. Be kind to yourself and accept your weaknesses, and most of all enjoy what you do.
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