Be Inspired - Cathy Lawson | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Cathy Lawson

Be Inspired - Cathy Lawson

Describe your role

Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, in the North East, with national and regional involvement in sustainable healthcare.

How did you get there?

Newcastle Medical School, foundation training in Sunderland then anaesthetics from 2010, attaining my ICM number in ST5. That same year I was elected to the Association of Anaesthetists’ Group of Anaesthetists in Training committee, and sat on the Environment and Sustainability Committee. It was here that my interest in sustainability began. Being involved in national projects, international collaborations, writing national guidelines and educational material have been some of the highlights. The best part is the people - life-long friends and colleagues. They are part of my support network and sounding board and I would be lost without them (#GATfamforever).



What is your greatest achievement?

This has to be my work in sustainable healthcare and anaesthesia and being recognised for my contribution with the Association's Anniversary Medal. It was a privilege to be the first national fellow in sustainable anaesthesia (in the world) and to be able to continue involvement with international collaborations, setting standards and aspirations for sustainable anaesthesia and critical care; helping to lead the way in this field.

What inspires you?

  • Making a positive difference whilst reducing our negative impact (on the environment), adding value to systems/processes.
  • Helping others realise their potential, achieve their goals and be their best self.
  • I like to forge my own path, I’m not afraid to be a pioneer and do things differently.

What advice would you give (or resources you’d highlight) to those who wish to follow your path?

Be yourself and make time for things that you love. You don’t need to be perfect, just do and be your best self. Bring friends on your (sustainability) journey. The greatest impact comes when we all do our best, rather than a few practicing perfectly. 


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