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Event Details

To book, please accept terms and conditions in the Key Details section.

Key Details


Thursday 8 and Friday 9 January 2026


Sandford Education Centre
38 Keynsham Rd Cheltenham
GL53 7PX


Member - £430
Non member - £725
Resident member - £340

Terms and Conditions

To book, please accept terms and conditions in the Key Details section.

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Interested in organising a seminar?

We're looking for new seminar material, both lecture and workshop based.

What is a SAFE Paediatrics course

The SAFE Paediatrics course was originally designed to be delivered to anaesthesia providers in low and middle-income countries. In 2019, to fulfil a local need for paediatric anaesthesia training, the manual and course were significantly modified to suit anaesthetists in Great Britain and Ireland.

This course is aimed to provide introductory or refresher training for anaesthetists covering the essential management of paediatric elective surgical patients and also for commonly occurring situations within paediatric emergency and critical care.

For more information and to view past programmes see our dedicated SAFE Paediatric courses page.

About this seminar

After success in 2024, the SAFE Paediatrics course will run in Cheltenham in January 2026. A two-day course (Thursday 8 and Friday 9 January 2026) at the Sandford Education Centre, this course has been developed by specialist paediatric anaesthetists from the UK and US.

Don't miss the opportunity to gain CPD local to you!

Lectures include:

More information around lecture content will be available shortly.

Hands-on workshops include:

More information around workshop content will be available shortly.

Intended audience

This course is suitable for occasional paediatric anaesthetists & anaesthetic trainees. Over the two-days, you will learn about the basic concepts in paediatric anaesthesia, focusing on UK paediatric anaesthesia practice and common scenarios faced by anaesthetists in well-resourced environments.

Discounted rate:

Hospitals within the Severn Deanery are entitled to a discounted rate when booking SAFE Paediatrics Cheltenham. To access this discount, please email [email protected] stating your hospital / trust.

Learning objectives

Coming soon.

Sponsors and exhibitors


Data sharing for this course

We may share your contact details with the venue who will only contact you with regards to the course. By booking, you agree to sharing your contact details, if you would rather not have your details shared then please email [email protected] to let us know 

Programme topics and speakers

Full programme details will be available shortly. Please see an example of a programmein the key details section.