Be Inspired - Emma Plunkett
Describe your role
Consultant obstetric anaesthetist, Departmental Wellbeing Lead, RCoA College Tutor, Joint Fatigue Working Group Co-Chair, Learning from Excellence Steering Group member.
How did you get there?
I qualified in 2000 and had a long route through training via medicine before settling on anaesthetics. I always loved obstetric anaesthetics so that was an obvious subspeciality choice. I moved around the country a bit and worked LTFT from 2009, finally getting my CCT in 2016. I stood for election to the GAT committee after attending the Trainee Conference in 2013 and spent 3 years on the committee, throwing myself into the opportunities, often feeling totally outside my comfort zone. I trained as a mentor in 2015 and have used mentoring – as mentor and mentee - ever since.
What is your greatest achievement?
Juggling my family and career - sometimes it feels incredibly hard but support from family and colleagues helps me keep going. I’m proud of what the fatigue group has achieved to raise awareness of fatigue; the books I’ve written and the Learning from Excellence conferences – they felt really special.