Be Inspired - Emma Plunkett | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Emma Plunkett

Be Inspired - Emma Plunkett

Describe your role

Consultant obstetric anaesthetist, Departmental Wellbeing Lead, RCoA College Tutor, Joint Fatigue Working Group Co-Chair, Learning from Excellence Steering Group member.

How did you get there?

I qualified in 2000 and had a long route through training via medicine before settling on anaesthetics. I always loved obstetric anaesthetics so that was an obvious subspeciality choice. I moved around the country a bit and worked LTFT from 2009, finally getting my CCT in 2016. I stood for election to the GAT committee after attending the Trainee Conference in 2013 and spent 3 years on the committee, throwing myself into the opportunities, often feeling totally outside my comfort zone. I trained as a mentor in 2015 and have used mentoring – as mentor and mentee - ever since.

What is your greatest achievement?

Juggling my family and career - sometimes it feels incredibly hard but support from family and colleagues helps me keep going. I’m proud of what the fatigue group has achieved to raise awareness of fatigue; the books I’ve written and the Learning from Excellence conferences – they felt really special.





What inspires you?

My husband and children, my colleagues and the people I have met through the Learning from Excellence initiative and the Association’s Trainee Committee. Like many people, I’m inspired by nature – my two favourite places are Wells Beach in Norfolk and Polzeath Beach in Cornwall. Very different, but equally beautiful.

What advice would you give to those who wish to follow your path?

Mentoring training made me realise that giving advice isn’t always helpful. Helping someone recognise their abilities and work out a way forward themselves is often more effective. Don’t compare yourself to others. Know what your strengths and values are and try to work with those on projects you believe in.

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