The SAS handbook 2023
I am very pleased to introduce our new web-based resource for SAS anaesthetists. This is replacing the previous SAS handbook in a way that we hope is relevant, useful and accessible.
SAS doctors make up at least 20% of the anaesthetic workforce, and combined with locally-employed doctors are the fastest growing part of the medical workforce in the NHS. We have aimed to produce a resource that will be helpful to you in your career, tailored to the needs of those in the SAS grades but also providing useful general information for everyone. We know that those who work in these grades often feel isolated and have difficulty in gaining the support and recognition that they deserve. We hope that this resource will go a small way at least to assisting with this and will answer the more commonly occurring queries.
In recognition of the difficulties that many of the international medical graduates face when first joining the NHS we have added a chapter with information especially aimed at them for the first time.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped in putting this together: my fellow members of the SAS Committee at the Association, the president, officers, Board and all the staff of the Association. I would also like to thank all those who have taken the time to access this content; we are stronger together and the Association works hard on behalf of all of its members. As a membership organisation, we are very keen to reflect what our members would like us to do and if there are any queries or suggestions for future content then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dr Emma Wain
Chair of the SAS Committee and Honorary Treasurer, Association of Anaesthetists
Download a PDF version of the handbook

We have taken every effort to ensure that the information contained here is accurate and up to date at the time of publication. This has been designed to be an interactive source and we have linked wherever possible back to the relevant authority for accuracy; if any of these links have gone out of date or changed in the meantime, we apologise and always advise that you check with the relevant authority rather than relying absolutely on any information contained in these pages.
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