Joining the webinar
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About this webinar
Join us for this International Women’s Day webinar where we discuss how to thrive as a woman in anaesthesia and the unique challenges it can bring, with interesting perspectives from our speakers and a panel Q&A.
Organisers: Dr Sarah Marsden, Chair, Resident Doctors Committee and Dr Lelya Turkoglu, Elected Member, Resident Doctors Committee, Association of Anaesthetists.
Chair: Dr Leyla Turkoglu, Elected Member, Resident Doctors Committee, Association of Anaesthetists.
Programme Compassionate, effective leadership
- Nicky de Beer, Chief Executive, Association of Anaesthetists
A suitable job for a woman
- Dr Victoria McCormack, Consultant in critical care and anaesthesia at Manchester Foundation Trust
Navigating Menopause - how menopause impacts working anaesthetists and what can be done to support them to thrive in the workplace
- Dr Andrea Binks, Anaesthetist and Intensivist, Wollongong, NSW
Discussion Panel.