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About this webinar
The Association of Anaesthetists, in collaboration with the British Pain Society, has released new guidelines that make recommendations for the entire peri-operative period, and post-discharge phases of care. This guidance provides generic principles for peri-operative pain management that clinicians should consider including assessing pain to facilitate function; use of multimodal analgesia, including regional anaesthesia; non-pharmacological strategies; safe use of opioids; and use of protocols and training for staff in caring for patients with postoperative pain. This new publication builds on the previously published international consensus guidance on opioids. This webinar will explore related themes from the Guideline, with a range of expert speakers.
Organisers: Ms Felicia Cox, Editor, British Journal of Pain and Prof Nicholas Levy, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine, Suffolk, UK
Chairs: Prof Kariem El Boghdadly, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and Prof. Roger Knaggs, President, British Pain Society
Provisional Programme:
Welcome and overview
Prof Roger Knaggs and Prof Kariem El Boghdadly (5mins)
General background to describe the evolution of inpatient pain services since the publication of Pain After Surgery in 1990 (The evolution on inpatient pain management)
Ms Felicia Cox (5 mins)
Pre-op optimisation/Fit for Surgery/Waiting well/Setting expectations -
Dr Jackie Walumbe (15 mins)
Intra-op, PACU & on the ward (multi-modal approaches) -
Dr Helen Laycock (15 mins)
Implications for critical care -
Ms Felicia Cox (5 mins)
Preparation for discharge and at home -
Prof Nicholas Levy (15 mins)