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About this webinar recording

PE Thrombectomy
This webinar will increase your understanding of the management and role of interventional radiology in treating patients presenting with an acute, life threatening pulmonary embolism. 

Organiser and Chair: Dr Nazia Khan, Clinical Lead-Pre assessment, Guy’s and St Thomas’  and President - Society of Anaesthesia and Radiology 

1. Case presentation - Dr Sanya Patel, King's College Hospital
2. Critical care management of acute PE - Dr Iain Carroll, Critical Care Consultant 
FICM Tutor, King’s College Hospital
3. The role of Interventional Radiology in the management of acute PE - Dr Narayan Karunanithy, Consultant Interventional Radiology, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust Hospital 
4.  Anaesthetic considerations for acute PE in IR - Dr Nazia Khan, President - Society of Anaesthesia and Radiology 
Discussion panel – chaired by Dr Nazia Khan