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What is a seminar
The Association is the UK’s leading provider of postgraduate education for all pathways into Anaesthesia. The Association’s seminar programme features leading experts in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine presenting the latest information and thinking on a variety of key anaesthesia topics. Our seminars are designed to focus on a specific field of interest within anaesthesia and help to build on specialist interests. They offer an intimate learning environment, with a maximum of 45 delegates attending each. Keeping the numbers low encourages delegate and faculty interaction.
About this seminar
The Association of Anaesthetists (AoA) and the Neuro Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society (NACCS) are pleased to announce a forthcoming, face to face seminar covering Anaesthesia for Patients with Neurological Conditions.
Neuro Anaesthesia and Critical Care Society (NACCS)

Organisers: Drs Craig Carroll and Jess Welbourne
Intended audience
Consultant Anaesthetists
Anaesthetic Residents including: Foundation Year doctors / Core Trainee Anaesthetics / ST3-6+
SAS anaesthetists
Anaesthetic Associates
Learning Objectives
Spinal cord injury
Movement disorders
Dementia and learning difficulties
conditions that lead to cognitive impairment and conditions that lead to motor impairment and the implications for the safe practice of anaesthesia.
Sponsors and exhibitors
Programme topics and speakers
Please see the programme in the key details section.
Some topics will include:
Spinal anaesthesia and coexisting neurological disease
Shared decision making and consent
The care of the patients with spinal cord injury