Other activities:
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Wednesday 11 September 2019
Start Time: 17:30
Finish: 18:00
Location: Exhibition Area (Hall 2)
- Network with fellow colleagues and exhibitors in a relaxed setting while enjoying a few drinks
- All those booked on the Wednesday of the conference will automatically be booked for the drinks reception
- If you are not coming to the conference on Wednesday but would still like to attend the drinks reception, please email [email protected].

Thursday 12 September 2019
Start Time: 19:30 drinks reception, 20:00 call to dinner
Location: Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
Cost: £89
- A chance to meet with colleagues old and new
- Kelvingrove Museum opened in 1901 and is a firm favourite with local people and visitors. It has stunning architecture and a warm and friendly atmosphere
- Join us for a reception at 19:30 followed by a 3 course meal with wine and local entertainment
- The dress code is black tie or cocktail attire. Decorations may be worn.
- The dinner can be booked separately to the conference
- The parent and baby room is a resource room where the lectures from the conference’s main auditorium will be streamed
- Keep up to date on the conference proceedings whilst looking after your children within the comfort of an informal setting
- Please indicate you require space in this resource room at time of booking
- Thursday 12 September 2019
- Start time: 07:00
- Meeting location: Outside the SEC
- To book: Go to our enquiries desk before the day of the fun run to fill in a disclaimer form.
- Cost: There will be a discretionary donation of at least £10 per participant which will go to the our SAFE Africa appeal.
- SAS lunch (Association of Anaesthetists stand, Exhibition Hall)
- Wednesday 11 September 2019, 12:50-14:00
- Join us for an informal gathering of SAS members and Association council to discuss SAS matters. Collect your lunch first before joining us on the stand.
- Trainee lunch (Alsh 2, SEC ground floor)
- Thursday 12 September 2019, 12:45-13:45
- Join us for an informal networking lunch for trainees and Association council. Hot lunch will be served in the room.
- Anaesthetists and wellbeing lunch (Gala Room, Armadillo first floor)
- Friday 13 September 2019, 13:00-14:00
- Chair: Dr Robert Self, Elected Member, Association of Anaesthetists
- An informal discussion about personal and organisational strategies to improve wellbeing of anaesthetists. An opportunity to share ideas about ‘what works’ and areas that Association can work on for the benefit of members. Lunch provided.