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Event Details

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Key Details


Wednesday 30 April and Thursday 1 May 2025


The Association Of Anaesthetists
21 Portland Place London


One day fees - 

£215 - Members
£170 - Resident Members
£440 - Non-members
£107.50 - Retired Members

Two day fees -

£430 - Members
£340 - Resident Members
£880 - Non-members
£215 - Retired Members


Terms and Conditions

To book, please accept terms and conditions in the Key Details section.

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Interested in organising a seminar?

We're looking for new seminar material, both lecture and workshop based.

What is a seminar

The Association is the UK’s leading provider of postgraduate education for all pathways into Anaesthesia. The Association’s seminar programme features leading experts in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine presenting the latest information and thinking on a variety of key anaesthesia topics. Our seminars are designed to focus on a specific field of interest within anaesthesia and help to build on specialist interests. They offer an intimate learning environment, where keeping the numbers low encourages delegate and faculty interaction.

About this seminar

This comprehensive 2-day Ultrasound in Perioperative Care workshop aims to address ultrasound guided procedures in anaesthesia. It covers regional anaesthesia procedures including plan A blocks, advanced and newer blocks, vascular access, airway, and trauma.

Anaesthetic doctors of all grades, including consultant anaesthetists, anaesthetic trainees including core and specialty trainees, and SAS anaesthetists will benefit from the workshop. Those interested in intensive care and chronic pain will also find it very useful. 

The course will include lecture demonstrations on airway and lung, and injection techniques, and hands on ultrasound scanning on volunteers.

This workshop has always received excellent feedback from attending delegates. 


Intended audience

Coming soon.

Learning objectives

Coming soon.

Sponsors and exhibitors

Coming soon.

Programme topics and speakers

Full programme coming soon.

Organisers: Dr Vijay Kumar, Scunthorpe and Dr Atul Gaur, Leicester


- Injection Techniques
- Airway and Lung Ultrasound


- Interscalene and Supraclavicular and Suprascapular Blocks, (discussion to include upper trunk block)
- Pectoral, Axillary and arm blocks
- IJV and Venous access
- Blocks around the Hip: Femoral, LCN, FIB, PENG
- Adductor Canal, Popliteal sciatic
- Injection Techniques
- Epidural and Spinal
- Paravertebral, ESP and SAP
- Rectus Sheath, TAP, QL
- FAST and Gastric Ultrasound
- Ankle blocks and miscellaneous USG techniques