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Event Details

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Tuesday 6 August 2024 19:00 - 20:30 (Login available 18:50)


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Trainee Members - £0
Full Members - £0
Non Members - £83


Terms and Conditions

To book, please accept terms and conditions in the Key Details section. 

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About this webinar

The novice period can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for many - this webinar has been designed to help new anaesthetists get to grips with the specialty. 
The webinar is organised by a group of current trainees and there will be a series of talks ranging from discussing our own personal experiences of the novice period to a tour of the Lifelong Learning Platform. 
There will be time for Q&A and discussion at the end so we can answer any questions you may have to help you prepare for your journey into anaesthesia!

Login will be available from 18:50, but the broadcast will not start until 19:00.

Joining the webinar

You can log in from the comfort of your own home, your office, or any where else that is convenient. All you need is a decent internet connection and a quiet room. If you are unable to attend live do not worry, you will be automatically sent the recording 24 hours after the webinar whether you attend or not.

Please ignore questions about access and dietary requirements during the booking process. Joining details will be sent automatically via email - please ensure the email we have for you is correct, and remember to check for updates in that email account in the week prior to the webinar.

Dr Sarah Marsden (Chair, Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee)
Dr Allan Xu (Elected member, Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee) 

Chair + Introduction: Dr Sarah Marsden
Personal Perspectives on the novice period: Dr Victoria White
Toolkit for the novice anaesthetist: Dr Matthew Edmunds
Lifelong Learning Platform Tour: Dr Allan Xu
What the Association offers you: Dr Sarah Marsden
How SAS colleagues support your training: Dr Gillian Rennie
Q&A: panel