What is a seminar
The Association is the UK’s leading provider of postgraduate education for all pathways into Anaesthesia. The Association’s seminar programme features leading experts in anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine presenting the latest information and thinking on a variety of key anaesthesia topics. Our seminars are designed to focus on a specific field of interest within anaesthesia and help to build on specialist interests. They offer an intimate learning environment, where keeping the numbers low encourages delegate and faculty interaction.
About this seminar
A safe way to airway is an interactive lecture and workshop seminar to update you on the latest in airway management. Delivered by well recognised experts in the field it addresses all areas of airway management including complex cases, new airway equipment, new techniques and ergonomics/ human factors.
Lectures will be presented with videos or live demonstrations projected on screen. Equipment will be available including a variety of video laryngoscopes, flexible scopes, Orsim and front of neck models to practice and learn from the team of experts.
All delegates will be given an electronic copy of reading material covering all topics covered after the workshop.
The first lectures cover airway assessment and airway anatomy, followed by stepwise progression through the DAS airway guideline.
Intended audience
Consultant Anaesthetists
Anaesthetic trainees including: Foundation Year doctors / Core Trainee Anaesthetics / ST3-6+
SAS anaesthetists
Anaesthetic Associates
Company representatives who wish to learn about airway equipment
Learning objectives
1) Systematic assessment of the airway
2) Art of Videolaryngoscopes and direct laryngoscope use
3) Supraglottic airway devices and adjuncts – what has changed
4) Planning to avoid airway disasters
5) Front of neck access and ultrasound
6) Awake intubations – value of learning them
Sponsors and exhibitors
Coming soon.
Programme topics and speakers
Please see the draft programme in the key details section.
Organiser: Dr Krish Radhakrishna