Be Inspired - Kathryn Bell | Association of Anaesthetists

Be Inspired - Kathryn Bell

Be Inspired - Kathryn Bell

Describe your role

Consultant anaesthetist with an interest in Neuroanaesthesia; TPD for Trainees with Differing Needs, Northern School of Anaesthesia & ICM; RCoA Regional Adviser; Mentor & Appraiser.

How did you get there?

Truthfully, by never thinking I wouldn’t, certainly as far as being a Consultant was concerned. That doesn’t mean I sailed through everything without any setbacks because that’s not true. However, we are all intelligent, motivated people who want to succeed; we didn’t get to where we are by collecting the tops from cereal packets and sending them off for a certificate. Nevertheless, what slows us down is forgetting that what got us here, may not be the correct strategy to get us where we want to go next. In addition, I know my core values (which inform my decisions and behaviours) and have taken roles which play to my strengths.





What is your greatest achievement?

Married for 35 years (and counting) and two healthy grown up children. Aside from that, working with the wonderful colleagues who over the years have risen to their personal challenges and overcome adverse circumstances, choices and events to become part of the Anaesthesia Collective!

What inspires you?

To be the best I can as often as I can for the colleagues and patients with whom I interact. No two people are the same and each conversation has an infinite range of possibilities – you never know where it will take you!

What advice would you give (or resources you’d highlight) to those who wish to follow your path?

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you must, or should. Just because no one has, doesn’t mean you can’t. Relentless positivity is delusional but will help you to survive. Mentoring is a blessing that anyone can embrace. Listen, be curious, be kind, and be cheerful. Drink tea. Your family is with you longer than your career. The power of prayer is underestimated.

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