Search and book from all of our upcoming educational events, including conferences, seminars, Core Topics, webinars and online courses.
A full list of our conferences.
A full list of seminars and Core Topics.
Book and find out more about Resident Doctors Conference 2025.
We also provide a number of other educational resources including online courses, webinars and Learn@ - the online learning platform for Association members.
More about the seminars, webinars, Core Topics meetings, conferences and other educational events we offer.
The Association of Anaesthetists quality assures its educational output in line with its Quality Assurance Manual and CPD Code of Practice. Browse and download resources on Quality Assurance.
FAQs, past abstracts submissions and abstract submission timetable.
Raise your organisation’s profile amongst the anaesthesia specialty by partnering with the Association of Anaesthetists, who represent anaesthetists working within healthcare’s largest hospital specialty.
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Membership categories and membership rates for 2024-25.
Becoming a part of this supportive and respected community gives you access to a range of benefits.
We recognise both the rewarding and the more challenging elements this career stage as an anaesthetist can bring.
SAS doctors are important members of any department, especially in anaesthesia.
Updating your contact information and preferences will help us to support you at every stage of your career.
Browse and download our wide range of patient safety and care guidelines.
Browse and download our award-winning publications.
The motto of the Association of Anaesthetists is 'In somno securitas' or 'Safe in sleep' and we remain committed to keeping both patients and anaesthetists safe.
We offer a range of research grants and undergraduate electives. We also offer an award for innovation in healthcare.
Find out more about what we do, and get advice and information on green anaesthesia.
Use our online forum to connect with other members.
Don't face your problems alone. There are lots of services with emotional and practical advice that can help.
We actively support the health of the anaesthesia specialty. The links below include helpful information relating to managing your own health and wellbeing.
It’s vital, in your role as an anaesthetist, that you’re aware of the need to look after your own mental health.
It's time to change the culture of fatigue in the healthcare profession. We need to #FightFatigue together.
Mentoring is not about offering advice and sharing experiences. It's about helping someone else become effective at developing their opportunities and resources, and managing their problems, helping them to become better at helping themselves.
Learn about the European Working Time Directive, less than full time training (LTFT), get tips as a first year consultant anaesthetist, read about a day in the life of a variety of hospital staff and get advice on maternity, paternity, adoption and pensions.
Our different networks help to maintain links between our members and the Association. Discover more about the different networks across the UK and Ireland, how they help, and how you can get involved.
Read the latest news related to healthcare, anaesthesia, and the Association.
Read the latest briefings from the Association.
Read the latest responses to consultations from the Association.
Our advocacy and campaigns and policy work includes public affairs, stakeholder engagement, public relations and media and communications.
The Anaesthesia Heritage Centre tells the remarkable story of anaesthesia, from its first public demonstration in 1846 to modern day anaesthetists working in the aftermath of wars and terrorist attacks.
The Anaesthesia Museum holds a series of events across the year, usually linked to the temporary exhibition.
The Heritage Centre has been collecting oral histories from notable anaesthetists for several years. You can also view a a series of training films for anaesthetists here.
View our previous exhibitions, discover biographies for important figures in the history of anaesthesia, and take look at a timeline of the history of anaesthesia.
Join this supportive and influential community and get access to a range of benefits and services
Don't let disability stop you from becoming an anaesthetist. Doctors with physical or mental health conditions can make excellent health workers and often have the benefit of being able to empathise more with patients.
The Equality Act 2010 is there to help stop you being discriminated against. The act ensures that employers have a duty to make adjustments in the workplace for staff with disabilities.
Read the BMA report Disability in the medical profession for more information.
I hesitated to write this piece having never really considered myself as having a disability, but after a bit of reflection I've decided to share my experience in the hope it might help somehow.
After changing into theatre scrubs, another day of anaesthetic work ahead of me, I go to the anaesthetic room to start preparing my drugs. Not too long ago, all this looked impossible.
Had I been told that at 27 years of age I’d have life experiences that few others could imagine I would have answered with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. My path had always seemed such a well-trodden one.
Early in my anaesthesia training I attended a seminar at the Association of Anaesthetists, where a study comparing the psychological traits of anaesthetists and physicians was discussed.