Association statement on the changes to AXA health fee approved schedule of procedures and fees | Association of Anaesthetists

Association statement on the changes to AXA health fee approved schedule of procedures and fees

Statement from the Association of Anaesthetists in response to AXA-PPP publication: ‘Notification of changes to AXA Health Fee Approved Schedule of Procedures & Fees – Published on 1 August 2023’

The Association of Anaesthetists notes the recent communication from AXA-PPP about their intention to raise the maxima in their fee schedule for anaesthetic care by 15%. The fees paid by some private medical insurance companies have not increased for many years - we believe that for AXA-PPP there has not been a general increase for more than 20 years, yet the effect of inflation has increased the cost of living by over 70% during that period of time. Further, the inequity in the remuneration paid to anaesthetists and their surgical colleagues remains huge, despite this increase. Finally, AXA-PPP states the increase only applies to anaesthetists who are ‘contracted’. We know that many members are reluctant to commit to such an agreement which may limit their ability to increase fees in the future.

We are pleased that AXA-PPP have acknowledged, during our discussions with them and by announcing this increase, the impact of fees on the attractiveness of undertaking such work. However, we believe this increase, while a welcome first step, falls a long way short of providing a fair and equitable fee schedule that is available to all colleagues undertaking such work, and we hope AXA-PPP will engage in further talks in the future to rectify this.