Joining the webinar course
You can log in from the comfort of your own home, your office, or any where else that is convenient. All you need is a decent internet connection and a quiet room. If you are unable to attend live do not worry, you will be automatically sent the recording 24 hours after the webinar whether you attend or not.
Please ignore questions about access and dietary requirements during the booking process. Joining details will be sent automatically via email - please ensure the email we have for you is correct, and remember to check for updates in that email account in the week prior to the webinar.
About this webinar
A brand new interview course aimed at anaesthetists applying for Anaesthetics ST4 only for Association of Anaesthetists members. This one day course will consist of at least 2 full virtual interviews with experienced interviewers with personalised feedback on your performance highlighting areas for improvement. There will also be short talks aimed at helping you prepare for both the clinical and non clinical interview. The number of places on his course will be limited so make sure you do not miss your chance to book on when booking opens.
Organisers: Dr James Brooks, Vice President, Resident Doctors Committee and Dr Ben Evans, Honorary Secretary, Resident Doctors Committee
Programme The programme will run from 09:20 to 14:40, and will consist of a number of talks and mock interviews which will be run in breakout rooms.
Please see the attached pdf programme for full details.