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About this webinar recording
This webinar is sponsored by GE HealthCare.
The webinar is designed for anaesthetists, pain specialists, and medical professionals involved in regional anaesthesia or ultrasound-guided procedures. Attendees will gain practical insights into mastering ultrasound-guided blocks, with a particular focus on the upper limb, trunk, and lower limb regions. The programme also explores the transformative role of artificial intelligence in regional anaesthesia, equipping participants with knowledge of emerging technologies. Whether you are an experienced practitioner looking to refine your technique or a trainee eager to expand your skills, this webinar offers expert-led guidance, actionable strategies, and a deeper understanding of success factors in regional blocks
Organiser: Dr Krish Radhakrishna, Board member, Association of Anaesthetists
Chair: Dr Rosemary Hogg, Belfast
Upper Limb Blocks – Keys to success
Dr Narcis Ungureanu, Consultant Anaesthetist, Birmingham
Blocks on the trunk region – Keys to success
Dr Jenny Ferry, Consultant Anaesthetist, Aneurin Bevan UHB
Lower limb blocks – Keys to success
Dr Nav Bahal, Consultant Anaesthetist and Lead for Inpatient Pain Medicine, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Value of AI in regional anaesthesia
Dr James Bowness, Consultant Anaesthetist, University College London Hospitals
Q&A Session
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