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About this webinar recording

The world of anaesthesia involves teaching a meticulous approach to patient care, clinical skill, risk-assessment, and emergency processes. However, we know that one of the central factors for success in a critical or major incident is how the humans involved are led, co-ordinated, and supported.
In this webinar, we hear from a panel of experts teaching us how to lead our teams through a crisis. They will teach us about healthcare system resilience and preparedness for major incidents, the intricacies of how we can optimise human factors in an emergency, command structure and the core principles of communication in a major incident, the intricacies of clinical debrief and how we follow up critical incidents, and how we provide support for our teams in the aftermath of a crisis. 
In addition to these presentations, there will also be plenty of time for a Q&A with the panel. 
By the end of this webinar, you will have a more thorough idea how we can lead our teams to success through both critical and major incidents in healthcare, while understanding how best to optimise and prepare our own healthcare systems, debrief our teams, and ensure appropriate support afterwards.

Organisers: Dr Stuart Edwardson, Honorary Secretary, Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee and Dr Sarah Marsden, ST4 Anaesthetics & Elected Member, Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee

Chair: Dr James Brooks, Elected Member, Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Committee

Human factors and creating a system which is responsive to incidents - Dr Fiona Kelly
Civility and Communication in a crisis - Dr Catherine Stretton
Clinical event debriefing for healthcare teams: overcoming barriers - Dr Emma Phillips, Anaesthetic Registrar, South East Scotland
Leadership when it’s all going wrong - Surgeon Captain Kate Prior

Panel discussion / Q&A
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