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About this recording
In March 2021, the Association of Anaesthetists released new guidance on the Recommendations for standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and recovery. Amongst other things, these guidelines stated “Capillary blood glucose and ketone monitoring should be immediately accessible in every location where patients are anaesthetised and blood glucose should be measured at least hourly in patients with treated diabetes.”
The aim of this webinar is to discuss the rationale for this statement, and there will be four talks.
One will examine the global burden of diabetes in the surgical population and the need to prevent dysglycaemia. The other three will examine and discuss the harms associated with dysglycaemia and the rational for the new guidance.
This seminar should have widespread and global appeal. Diabetes now affects up to 20% of surgical patients and is associated with worse outcomes. Evidence also demonstrates that good glycaemic control is associated with improved outcomes. Thus, the seminar will highlight the role of intra-operative monitoring to improve patient outcome and why glycaemic control is an important component of the Surgical Safety Checklist.
Organisers Dr Nicholas Levy, Prof Andy Klein, Prof Ketan Dhatariya
Chair Dr Nicholas Levy, Bury St Edmunds
Global epidemiology of diabetes in the surgical population – Professor Ketan Dhatariya, Norwich, UK
Effect of hyperglycaemia on surgical outcomes - Professor Guillermo Umpierrez, Atlanta, USA
Effect of hypoglycaemia on patient outcomes - Dr Aditi Modi, Suffolk, UK
Detection, prevention and management of DKA in the surgical population – Professor Priya Vellanki,
Atlanta, USA
This webinar recording is kindly sponsored by Abbott