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About this recording

This is a recording and therefore the date above is notional. You will be sent a link to the recording within 24 hours of booking to watch in your own time. The recording will remain available for 1 year.

You can log in from the comfort of your own home, your office, or any where else that is convenient. All you need is a decent internet connection and a quiet room. Please ignore questions about access and dietary requirements during the booking process. Joining details will be sent automatically via email - please ensure the email we have for you is correct, and remember to check as soon as you have booked in that email account for the email with the recording link 

About this webinar

In association with: 

All clinicians know what they mean by ‘depth of anaesthesia’, but are we guessing the patient is “asleep” and hoping all is well? The NAP5 report highlighted that limitations do exist in standard clinical care and produced recommendations of how care could be improved. 

Research shows that ‘general anaesthesia’ is highly complex, and far from a clear-cut awake/asleep binary condition that many clinicians believe. Information derived from EEG monitoring during sedation/anaesthesia and neurophysiology/neuroimaging studies confirms this complexity.

Clinicians want certainty from monitoring devises to make relevant decisions, but this seminar will explain why such confidence is unavailable if using pEEG in a “follow the number” manner. The purpose of this seminar is to give a clinically orientated guide to effective use of pEEG devices during general anaesthesia. The use of such devices in critical care environments will not be addressed. 

This webinar is kindly sponsored by

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Organiser and chair - Dr David Mulvey, Derby 

Processed EEG (pEEG) - the basics - Dr David Mulvey, Derby 
How do I get the best from my pEEG device? - Dr Peter Klepsch, Bristol
pEEG, paralysis and prevention of awareness - Dr Grant Rodney, Dundee
Burst suppression and the vulnerable brain - Dr Mark Barley, Nottingham