About this webinar
Update yourself on the most important, impactful and relevant research.
Essential CPD for Consultants and SAS doctors and great preparation for
exams or interviews.
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This webinar is kindly sponsored by:

Please click the logos to go through to the sponsors websites. Organiser: Prof Andrew Klein, Editor in Chief, Anaesthesia
Chair: Dr Seema Agarwal, Manchester University Hospitals, UK
Top Airway papers from 2020 - Dr Fiona Kelly, Bath Hospital, UK
Top subspecialty research papers in 2020 - Dr Tanya Selak, Wollongong Hospital, NSW, Australia
Perils and pitfalls of publishing - Dr Mike Charlesworth, Manchester Wythenshawe Hospital, UK
Top 10 papers from Anaesthesia - Dr Helen Laycock, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Presentation of prize for “Paper of the Year” by Dr Mike Nathanson, new President of the Association of Anaesthetists